Site Search & Select

Unlocking Opportunities: S3 Takes a Bold Step with Supplier Clearinghouse Certification

September 18, 2023 03:59 PM By Michael Hudson

In an industry where credibility is the cornerstone of success, we at S3 are both thrilled to announce our latest milestone: securing our certification with the distinguished Supplier Clearinghouse, operating under the principles of General Order 156. This marks a new chapter in our journey, confirming our commitment to excellence and our pledge to foster diversity. As we take this leap forward, we extend our gratitude to all that have supported us.

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About California Public Utility Commission (CPUC)

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The California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) stands as a pillar supporting Californians in various aspects of their day-to-day lives, ensuring the reliability and affordability of vital services including electricity, natural gas, and telecommunications, along with overseeing water services, railways, and passenger transportation. Governed by a team of five commissioners appointed by the Governor, the CPUC works tirelessly to uphold standards of safety and affordability in utility services. In synergy with this mission, they endorse the Supplier Clearinghouse, a program inviting businesses owned by exclusive Woman, Minority, Disabled, Veteran (WMDV) and  LGBT Business Enterprises (LGBTBE), to be a recognized part of the supplier diversity program. 

Leading with Diversity: S3's Path to Industry Excellence through Supplier Clearinghouse Certification

Understanding General Order 156

At the core of this certification lies General Order 156, an order established by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). It mandates utility companies in California to foster diversity in their procurement processes, encouraging them to collaborate with Woman, Minority, Disabled, Veteran (WMDV) and  LGBT Business Enterprises (LGBTBE), therefore creating a rich ecosystem of opportunities and mutual growth.

Opening Up New Business Avenues for S3

Securing a certification aligned with General Order 156 doesn’t just open doors; it unveils horizons of opportunities for S3. It enables us to form alliances with utilities and telecommunication organizations, leveraging a platform to showcase our unique value proposition. Amplifing our visibility, allowing us to be part of a select group of enterprises enjoying advantageous sourcing opportunities.

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Enhanced Value for Our Clients

For our existing clientele, our recent certification stands as a testimony to S3’s continuous dedication to quality and diversity. We are here to enable you to foster a richer and more diverse supply chain, a commitment that is now recognized through our alignment with the mandates of General Order 156. By partnering with us, you are not just availing the services of a validated entity, but you are also enhancing your operations through our elevated status. It signifies the engagement of a partner with validated credentials, offering expertise and reliability in the landscape of meetings and events.

As for our prospective clients, this certification opens a new frontier of opportunities, establishing a foundation of trust and excellence. The Supplier Clearinghouse certification is not just a milestone for us, but a beacon of our dedication to fostering a business environment steeped in quality and diversity. By choosing S3, you are opting for a partner who is recognized and certified, paving the way for successful and empowered collaborations. We bring to the table a rich tapestry of experience, ready to create events that resonate with diversity and inclusivity, setting a new benchmark in the industry.

The Future Looks Bright with S3

As we step into this exciting new chapter, we reiterate our commitment to being trailblazers in fostering diversity in business engagements. This certification isn’t just a milestone; it’s a beacon signaling our readiness to spearhead initiatives that champion diversity within meetings and events across various business verticals.

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Raising the Bar: S3's Commitment to Excellence and Diversity

Michael Hudson, CEO Site Search and Select


This achievement is more than a certification; it is a reflection of our commitment to fostering diversity and inclusivity in every facet of our business. We see this as a golden opportunity to elevate our service offerings in the meetings and events landscape. It is a proud moment for all of us at S3, a step forward in a journey of excellence, and a pledge to offer our clients nothing but the best.”

Michael Hudson, CEO | Site Search & Select 

Raising the Bar: S3's Commitment to Excellence and Diversity

Michael Hudson, CEO Site Search and Select

This achievement is more than a certification; it is a reflection of our commitment to fostering diversity and inclusivity in every facet of our business. We see this as a golden opportunity to elevate our service offerings in the meetings and events landscape. It is a proud moment for all of us at S3, a step forward in a journey of excellence, and a pledge to offer our clients nothing but the best.

Michael Hudson, CEO | Site Search & Select 

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Michael Hudson