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Making the case to C-Suite Executives for using incentive travel during a recession

August 04, 2022 03:30 PM By Michael Hudson

Incentive travel can be a powerful motivator for employees, helping to drive business results. However, convincing your C-Suite of the value of incentive travel during tough economic times can be challenging. If you're looking for tips on making a case for incentive travel, read on. This article will outline key points you can use to make your argument persuasive.  First, we'll discuss the economics of non-cash rewards. Then, we'll look at the psychology of how motivation matters in a recession. During inflationary times, rewards that trigger feelings might cost less while they deliver a greater return on employee motivation. Finally, we'll offer advice on getting started with incentive travel in your organization. By understanding these points and articulating them effectively, you'll be able to show your C-Suite just how valuable incentive travel can be in driving business success during these difficult times.

Inflation is a vicious cycle for businesses.

The current state of the economy is uncertain, but what is certain is rising costs. Inflation is on everyone's mind. This has a direct impact on businesses; as the cost of goods and services goes up, companies struggle to balance wages, salaries, and rewards to stay competitive while still being able to attract and retain top talent. Businesses have to make sure they are not only offering competitive salaries but also offering other benefits and perks that will make their company attractive to potential employees. Unfortunately, this cost has to be passed along to the consumer, increasing inflation. What's worse, during times of inflation, cash rewards lose their value faster. But you can champion alternative methods to reward employees. 

The Impact of Non-Cash Rewards 

According to research by Christopher Hsee and Yuval Rottenstreich at the University of Chicago, people tend to overweight the psychological value of rewards when making decisions. In other words, we often place too much importance on the "experience" of receiving a bonus rather than its actual cash value. This has important implications for incentive travel programs. During inflation, when cash rewards lose their value quickly, the psychological value of an incentive travel experience can increase. This means that employees are more likely to be motivated by the opportunity to take an all-expenses-paid trip to a luxurious destination than by a cash bonus of the same value. See the article Academic Research in Action: Non-Cash Rewards in a Period of High Inflation, published May 2, 2022 by the Incentive Research Foundation

Site Search & Select's Incentive Program Expertise

Regarding incentive travel, working with a company with extensive experience and knowledge is critical to success. Site Search & Select understands businesses’ challenges in finding exclusive resort destinations within budget. We can help you make a case for incentive travel to your C-Suite before you make an executive presentation. Our services will help you find the right venue to motivate your employees and achieve your desired results. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a successful incentive travel program. 

Become a Corporate Event Superstar!

To conclude, incentive travel can be a powerful tool for motivating employees and driving business results, even during tough economic times. By understanding the economics of non-cash rewards and the psychology of how motivation matters in a recession, you can make a persuasive case to your C-Suite for using incentive travel in your organization. And by working with a company like Site Search & Select that has extensive experience and knowledge in the area of incentive travel, you can be confident that your program will be a success.

The Bottom Line

Watch this 5-minute video to understand the research and science behind the concept of Non-Cash Incentive Programs during inflationary times. 

S3 is always ready to help you with ideas and expertise


By working with a company like Site Search & Select that has extensive experience and knowledge in the area of incentive travel, you can be confident that your program will be a success.

Michael Hudson, CEO | Site Search & Select 

S3 can help you with event bookings

By working with a company like Site Search & Select that has extensive experience and knowledge in the area of incentive travel, you can be confident that your program will be a success.

Michael Hudson, CEO | Site Search & Select 

Michael Hudson